TowerBrook Capital Partners

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
TowerBrook Capital Partners
Private Equity Investor
Acquired Majority of Business Operations
Secondment and professional services provider
Advised on Acquisition

TowerBrook acquired Eiffel, a leading provider of integrated consulting and project delivery, outsourcing and interim professional services  

Eiffel is pushing its boundaries in its mission to guide governments and organizations toward a sustainable future. In addition to a successful growth strategy in the Netherlands, where the company has grown over 30 years to become the largest projects, consultancy, and interim agency while remaining highly ambitious, Eiffel is exploring opportunities to expand its services across Europe. The international investment fund TowerBrook Capital Partners is joining forces with the current shareholder, Gilde Equity Management, to make this mission a success, pending advice from the central works council and approval from the relevant competition authority.

Eiffel operates as a specialized service provider for businesses and local governments, where it translates its expertise in areas such as legal, finance, project management, supply chain management, and data into smart solutions for complex problems.

The IMAP Netherlands team, led by Jean-Luc Zeguers, acted as the exclusive financial advisor to TowerBrook Capital Partners in the acquisition of Eiffel.

Our business is your business growth


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