Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Pedro Querio

Mr. Querio began his career at Merchant Bankers Asociados – a Salomon Brothers affiliate. Following his MBA he worked at Bank of America's private equity fund for Latin America as the Partner in charge of operations in Argentina. He has been a Board Member of eki descuento, Argentina's first hard discount retailer, Publicidad Sarmiento S.A., a major outdoor advertising firm in South America, Maxcom, a local telephone operator in México, Difusión Panorámica, S.A. de C.V., one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in México and Globant LLC (NYSE: GLOB), Latin America's largest IT offshoring company.

Mr. Querio has significant operating experience. In 2002 he was in charge of the restructuring and turnaround of eki descuento.

In 2005 Mr. Querio founded FS Partners (IMAP Argentina), an M&A firm focused on mid-market companies. Among others, FS Partners has closed deals in sectors such as outdoor advertising, records management, software development, industrials, pharmaceuticals and consumer goods. It also led the seed investment round in Globant.

Pedro holds an MBA from JL Kellogg and is a CPA from the Universidad Catolica in Argentina.

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