Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Senior Advisor
Jan Klippvik

Jan has been a senior advisor to IMAP since 2019. Jan has previously worked as a certified accountant at EY and as a financial advisor within private banking at HQ Private Banking and Carnegie.

Most recently, Jan comes from Catella where he also worked with capital raising to real estate projects. Today, Jan works as a consultant giving financial advice to entrepreneurs in business and organizational development. Jan is also Chairman of the board of two PE firms.

Jan has a Bachelor of Science in Business Economics from the university of Stockholm.

Our business is your business growth


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Hvala za vaše zanimanje za IMAP. Prosimo, uporabite spodnji obrazec, da nam poveste več o vaši trenutni situaciji in poskrbeli bomo, da vam bo pravi strokovnjak odgovoril čim prej.