Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Devin Green

Devin contributes 20 years of business experience, including investment banking, financial buyer, strategic buyer and C-level operations, to The Capital Corporation. These 4 complementary backgrounds allow him to appreciate each perspective involved in a given transaction, including sellers, buyers, financiers and business owners.

Devin began his career at Banc of America Securities, in the world's #1 Syndicated Finance Group, where predominantly raised capital to support change of control transactions.

After several years at the investment bank, Devin advanced to Bank of America's $2 Billion private equity group, Banc of America Capital Investors. There he served as a Private Equity Buyer, participating in a series of mezzanine and equity investments across a variety of industries.

Interested in learning first-hand how to start and operate a company, Devin then left corporate America and launched the wireless technology company, ESP Systems. As CEO and Chairman, he successfully raised 8 figures of growth capital, secured recurring revenue contracts valued in 8 figures and established international operations, ultimately ranking in the "Top 40 under 40" in the U.S. by U.S. Venture Magazine.

He has worked with both product and service companies across 70+ transactions in a wide variety of industries, including ecommerce, aerospace and defense, value-add distribution, staffing, software, telecom, datacom, manufacturing, retail, professional services, healthcare services, business services and renewable energy, amongst others.

Devin graduated Magna cum Laude from Vanderbilt University with a double major in Economics and Human and Organizational Development.

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