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IMAP Creating Value 15

Welcome to our 50th Anniversary Special Edition of IMAP’s flagship magazine, Creating Value.

As always, we continue our series dedicated to the subject of ESG and speak with Noventa, a company on a mission to decarbonize the world through disruptive innovation. We also discover how sustainable business practices are driving M&A activity in Japan

We get under the hood of the Transport & Logistics sector, to find out why M&A activity is expected to accelerate and who can benefit. We investigate another resilient market; Pasta, which is also expected to grow despite the challenging economic conditions, as well as take a deep dive into the European Healthcare market which due to the continued high level of consolidation and opening of new markets, is creating opportunities for investors. 

We talk to a Scandinavian strategic investor in the FMCG industry who recently expanded their business into the CEE and find out why international investors are so keen to invest in LATAM’s TMT sector

As IMAP expands its global footprint, we meet IMAP’s new partner in the GCC, Alpen Capital. We analyze the region’s M&A landscape and how its modern infrastructure, business business-friendly environment, and favorable investment opportunities make it attractive to investors. 

And finally, staying closer to home, IMAP Chairman, Jurgis V. Oniunas, alongside former IMAP Chairmen share their thoughts and insights on yesterday, today, and tomorrow as IMAP celebrates its 50th anniversary.  

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