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IMAP advises SAMONT GmbH on the acquisition of the Croatian HTS Group

SAMONT GmbH, a leading technical service provider for the installation and service of conveyor and intralogistics technology, has acquired the Croatian HTS Group as part of its growth strategy. This strategic acquisition will strengthen the company's market presence in Southern and Eastern Europe and accelerate its European growth.

SAMONT GmbH, a leading technical service provider for the installation and service of conveyor and intralogistics technology, has acquired the Croatian HTS Group as part of its growth strategy.

This strategic acquisition will strengthen the company's market presence in Southern and Eastern Europe and accelerate its European growth. In addition, HTS will provide SAMONT direct access to a talent pool for the recruitment of qualified technical specialists, as the headquarters in Varaždin is a center for technically oriented studies and specialized apprenticeships in Croatia. SAMONT is thus pursuing its strategy of utilizing national resources and developing international capacities in order to actively counter the shortage of skilled workers.

SAMONT GmbH is a leading technical service provider for the intralogistics industry with an integrated business model. The company's service portfolio covers the areas of installation, service and assembly of conveyor and intralogistics technology with a focus on the rapidly growing end customer markets of e-commerce, parcels & letters, retail, food & beverages, etc. Headquartered in Paderborn, the company already has access to >120 own employees and a flexible pool of >500 experts from a network of subcontractors. According to the Financial Times, SAMONT was one of the 1,000 fastest-growing companies in Europe for the third time in a row in 2023.

As a technical service provider, the HTS Group has particular expertise in electrical installation and maintenance in mechanical and plant engineering. As a subsidiary specializing in electrical engineering in the areas of installation, service, and production, HTS will support both national and international projects.

The IMAP team around Henning Graw, Sebastian Dinklage and Nicolas Theis exclusively supported and advised SAMONT on this transaction.

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