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IMAP strengthens its healthcare sector competence with Martin Moser as new partner

Martin Moser has joined IMAP M&A Consultants AG and will be responsible for the structuring and execution of national and international buy and sell mandates, especially in the healthcare sector. 

Martin has 15 years of professional experience in M&A and corporate finance advisory and will be based in IMAP's Frankfurt and Mannheim offices, focusing on medium-sized companies in the healthcare sector. With his extensive corporate finance expertise, transaction experience and network, he will be an excellent addition to IMAP's international sector team. 

Martin Moser joins IMAP from Robert W. Baird in Frankfurt am Main, where he was Director responsible for the healthcare sector. Prior to that, he worked for DC Advisory for more than 12 years. Martin studied at the University of Regensburg and Vanderbilt University. 

We are pleased to welcome Martin with his extensive expertise and experience. In particular, Martin will complement and strengthen the healthcare sector, which is very important for IMAP,' says Henning Graw, CEO of IMAP Germany. 

I am looking forward to this new role and to further strengthening IMAP's market position in the healthcare sector, as well as to working with the entire IMAP team in Germany and worldwide,' adds Martin Moser. 

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