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IMAP advised HighTech Nordic on sale to PrimoTech Group

HighTech Nordic offers a comprehensive product line including Industrial PCs, Embedded solutions, medical computers, and touchscreens

HighTech Nordic offers a comprehensive product line including Industrial PCs, Embedded solutions, medical computers, and touchscreens, tailored to meet the specific needs and applications of end customers.

The team at HighTech Nordic produces over 3,000 customized solutions per year, meeting all conceivable needs and enduring tough conditions and specific certification requirements. From the freezing -40 degrees in northern regions to desert environments where heat and dust pose a challenge. The products are used, for example, in infrastructure, industry, defense, marine, retail, and automation. The computers and touchscreens are assembled, installed, and tested in ESD-protected facilities in Norrtälje.

The company was founded by Andreas Luther and Keith Jeminen in 2017, and with over 30 years of combined experience, the ambition was clear - to offer the market their well-proven knowledge and pursuit of quality in a more direct and efficient manner.

PrimoTech has acquired a majority stake in HighTech Nordic in a strategic deal that further strengthens PrimoTech's position in the technology sector. PrimoTech is a privately owned technology trading group focused on driving and developing small and medium-sized companies with strong market positions. Within the group are companies such as Primogum, Beros Verktyg, Lidalco, and Garam. The PrimoTech Group also has a pronounced acquisition strategy where they become majority owners to continue a successful growth journey together with the company's entrepreneur and team. The group currently has a turnover of approximately SEK 700 million.

"We are very enthusiastic about this collaboration with PrimoTech. Their recognized expertise and global presence will enable us to continue growing and developing as a company in the long term, while maintaining our own identity and focus on delivering high-quality solutions to our customers," says Andreas Luther & Keith Jeminen, founders of HighTech Nordic.

"PrimoTech is very pleased to welcome HighTech Nordic to our rapidly growing corporate group and equally pleased to start the collaboration with Andreas & Keith. Together, and with the support of other group companies, we look forward to our joint growth journey," says PrimoTech representative Martin Johansson.

IMAP was the seller's advisor throughout the process.

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