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IMAP advises Belgian CHP, the developer and manufacturer of MicroDry® conveyor lubrication, on sale to Swedish Röko

CHP is the developer and manufacturer of MicroDry® conveyor lubrication and automated conveyor cleaning systems and products for use predominantly by dairy and beverage bottlers around the w

CHP is the developer and manufacturer of MicroDry® conveyor lubrication and automated conveyor cleaning systems and products for use predominantly by dairy and beverage bottlers around the world. The company was founded in 1997.

The Managing Director, Pascal Stuyck, has been working at the company since 2009 and was appointed MD in 2022. Pascal will, together with Tine Trogh (CFO) and Dirc Staut (COO), own 3% of the holding company going forward and they will all continue in their respective roles.

CHP had sales of EUR 9 million in 2023. The company is Röko’s first acquisition in Belgium and the 27th business unit that Röko has acquired since the company was founded in 2019.

Swedish Röko is a perpetual owner of European small- and medium-sized businesses and today they own 27 companies in a variety of industries across Europe.

IMAP Belgium (Degroof Petercam) advised the sellers throughout the process

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