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IMAP advises the shareholders of WSH Wurzinger Group on the acquisition by Kälte Eckert Group (Triton)

ith this transaction, the founder and managing director has resolved his succession and found the ideal partner to continue his life's work

IMAP advised the shareholders of WSH Wurzinger Group, an installation and maintenance company for technical building equipment with focus on refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation, on the sale to Kaelte Eckert Group, a portfolio company of the financial investor Triton. With this transaction, the Wurzinger family resolved the succession of founder Guenter Wurzinger and found an ideal partner to continue his life's work. This is the sixth acquisition for Kaelte Eckert Group which helps to further expanding its service portfolio and strengthening its market presence in southern Germany.

Founded in 1980 by Guenter Wurzinger, the group now consists of WSH Wurzinger Klimatechnik GmbH, WSH Wurzinger Kaeltetechnik GmbH and WSH Wurzinger Facility Management GmbH. With more than 90 employees, including 10 trainees, the company offers its customers complete solutions in the fields of refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation technology - from project planning and design through installation and commissioning to service and maintenance.

Founder Guenter Wurzinger: "With Kaelte Eckert Group, IMAP has found a partner for our family business that offers our employees and customers excellent opportunities for the future. My son Sascha, a proven expert in refrigeration technology, will continue to run the business together with Andreas Ulfig, who has been responsible for the air conditioning division since 2015. Both will certainly benefit from the opportunities within a larger group.”

Michael Eckert, together with his brother Holger a managing partner of Kaelte Eckert Group, adds: "WSH Wurzinger stands for high standards, decades of experience and sustainable management as well as diversified know-how and offers a wide range of solutions for the most diverse areas of the industry. The management and team will continue to move us forward with their experience and high performance in ventilation and cleanroom technology - we are looking forward to working with them!”

Kaelte Eckert Group is a successful association of future-oriented, reliable partners and the first address for individual and qualified advice, planning, installation and support of environmentally conscious, economical and leading refrigeration and air conditioning technology. The company is one of the leaders in the field of refrigeration systems using natural refrigerants.

For IMAP Germany, this is already the sixth transaction in the HVAC sector within the last two years. Torsten Denker, Philipp Noack and Olja Schmitt exclusively advised the Wurzinger family in a structured M&A process through all phases of the transaction.

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