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Presto Group acquires Danish SafetyGroup, industry-leading experts in defibrillators, and further strengthens its position in Europe

Presto Group, Europe's leading fire protection and safety training company, is acquiring Danish SafetyGroup, a specialist in defibrillators that distributes products across Denmark and Europe.

Presto Group, Europe's leading fire protection and safety training company, is acquiring Danish SafetyGroup, a specialist in defibrillators that distributes products across Denmark and Europe. The company was founded in 2008 by CEO Mark Eddie Russell, with its headquarters located in Kalundborg, Denmark.

SafetyGroup has more than 15 years of experience in defibrillators and first aid training in Denmark, rooted in research in the field of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). SafetyGroup is also an official distributor of defibrillators and consumables for Philips, LIFEPAK from Physio Control, Stryker, and HeartSine.

–  We have a strong position in the Danish market, and together with Presto, we see unique opportunities to contribute to an even safer Denmark and Europe. We are proud of our journey, but now we can offer an even broader product range to our customers, says Mark Eddie Russell, SafetyGroup CEO.

SafetyGroup has participated in several research projects related to defibrillators, implementation, training, and survival during cardiac arrests.

Danish First-8, acquired by the Presto Group earlier this year, is a leader in first aid in Denmark. They look forward to collaborating with SafetyGroup and their team. The companies will be able to exchange knowledge and experience that will contribute to raising the industry standard in both Denmark and Europe.

–SafetyGroup is undoubtedly an industry leader in defibrillators, and we are thrilled to welcome them to the Presto family. Their expertise and commitment to safety and quality complement our own values and ambitions in a great way. This acquisition represents a continued exciting journey toward even better service, innovation, and sustainability, concludes Anders Kjærsgaard, CEO and founder of First-8.

IMAP Denmark (DealHaus) advised the sellers throughout the process.

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