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Nordic Surface Innovation (NSI) acquires PLS Produkter, a producer of cleaning and hygiene products

During the years PLS has successfully expanded and today they are a leading producer of cleaning and hygiene products throughout the Nordics.

Nordic Surface Innovation (NSI) acquires PLS Produkter, a producer of cleaning and hygiene products

PLS Produkter was founded by John-Erik Larsson in 1973 and has since been in the family. For the past 33 years, the son Anders Larsson has been the owner of Skövde based company, but now PLS is entering a new era when Nordic Surface Innovation, NSI, has bought all the shares in the company and taken over the ownership.

During the years PLS has successfully expanded and today they are a leading producer of cleaning and hygiene products throughout the Nordics. The manufacturing takes place in-house in the company’s own factory in Skövde, and products are sold both under their own brand and through private label. Today PLS has a turnover of around SEK 130 million with good profitability and employs approximately 50 people.

“Together with NSI, we can intensify our continued work to make PLS a market-leading producer of cleaning and hygiene products in the Nordics. It feels incredibly exciting to take new steps in our development together with our talented employees and our new owner”, says Marcus Dyberg, CEO of PLS.

Nordic Surface Innovation provides a broad range of products for industrial and consumer surface treatments: such as paints, cleaning agents, lubricants, and more; their customers can be found across Northern Europe. The company was founded in 2021 by combining several well-established companies in the surface treatment chemicals industry. The company is owned by the Gothenburg based investment company Tången Industrikapital. NSI has 110 employees in Sweden and Finland.

IMAP advised the seller throughout the process.


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