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Morrison Park Advisors – IMAP Canada advised Pro Form Products on its sale to Transtar Autobody Technologies

Pro Form is an established manufacturer of refinishing and repair products for automotive, aviation, industrial and marine applications with a distribution network across North America

IMAP is pleased to announce that MPA Morrison Park Advisors – IMAP Canada acted as exclusive financial advisor to Pro Form Products (“Pro Form”) on the 100% sale to Transtar Autobody Technologies (“TAT”), a portfolio company of Blue Point Capital Partners (“BPCP”).

This transaction is an add-on acquisition for BPCP’s existing platform in the automotive repair and refinish industry and enhances TAT’s product offerings and customer base in North America. With this deal TAT’s position in the U.S. will be strengthened, supply related synergies realized, and the entry into the Canadian automotive aftermarket facilitated. The combined businesses will have the necessary resources to drive their next phase of growth.

After significantly investing and expanding its industry-leading product base since its inception in 1972, Pro Form is an established manufacturer of refinishing and repair products for automotive, aviation, industrial and marine applications with a distribution network across North America. As a full-range supplier of high-quality refinish products, as well as technological leader in the automotive paint and coatings industry, Pro Form meets the complex requirements of individual repairs and maintenance providers.

The team from Morrison Park Advisors, comprised of Brent Walker, Tom Scott, Sandy Mackay, Julian Storz and Emile Kandela, acted as exclusive financial advisor to Pro Form within a structured M&A process through all phases up to the successful closing.

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