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IMAP Albia Capital – IMAP Spain and Empresax Combine Forces to Emerge as one of the Leading M&A Firms in Spain

Taking another step in its growth strategy, IMAP Albia Capital – IMAP Spain combines forces with Empresax, led by Francisco José Hidalgo-Barquero Jiménez and Ricardo Dávila, to become one of the leading M&A firms in Spain

IMAP Albia Capital takes another step in its growth strategy by integrating Empresax, a boutique specializing in corporate transactions led by Francisco José Hidalgo-Barquero and Ricardo Dávila, thus positioning itself as one of the leading mergers and acquisitions (M&A) firms in Spain.

According to Fernando Cabos, Partner at IMAP Albia Capital: “As in other sectors, innovation and technology are transforming the M&A sector. Through this union, we are looking to combine Empresax’s innovative genes and use of technology with our technical excellence, international reach, and extensive multi-sector experience in corporate transactions.”

Francisco Hidalgo-Barquero and Ricardo Dávila, Partners of Empresax added: "We were born motivated by the possibility of doing M&A in a different way. After six years as an independent firm and having seen the positive outcome of applying agile technology and methodologies to merger and acquisition processes, we needed a new challenge. We are certain that we can compete to lead this industry, but to accomplish this we need additional resources and capabilities. The prospect of leaning on IMAP Albia Capital – IMAP Spain’s 18+ years of experience, as well as the IMAP partnership’s international track record, is a boost of incalculable value. This union would not be possible without the proven cultural and human fit following a year of conversations with the entire team. We are very grateful to be able to work with all the people that form part of the IMAP team."

The biggest beneficiaries of this transaction are the company’s clients, who will receive improved service and the continuing support of their trusted advisors at IMAP Albia Capital – IMAP Spain and Empresax.

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