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IMAP Spain advises ESNAOLA on its sale to French Group GUYOT Environnement

Esnaola is a well-known company dedicated to the recovery, processing, and sale of all kinds of scrap and usable materials. Since the 1970s, it has specialized in the preparation of oxyfuel scrap for molding casting with bucket, gas, and induction furnaces. Esnaola has great growth potential, is strategically located and boasts differential facilities.

IMAP is pleased to announce that French international group Guyot Environnement (“Guyot”) has acquired Spain-based Esnaola.

Esnaola is a well-known company dedicated to the recovery, processing, and sale of all kinds of scrap and usable materials. Since the 1970s, it has specialized in the preparation of oxyfuel scrap for molding casting with bucket, gas, and induction furnaces. Esnaola has great growth potential, is strategically located and boasts differential facilities.

Guyot is a French international group services the circular economy, recycling raw materials and transforming non-recyclable waste into fuel for energy production. The company has 16 sites in France and Spain, 400 employees who are experts in the Environmental sector. In 2022, it recovered 800,000 tons of waste and had a turnover of €280 million. Guyot is the regional and independent leader in waste and material recovery, which is key to tackling tomorrow’s major environmental challenges.

With this acquisition Guyot, which also acquired Hirumet four years ago, takes a new step in an increasingly concentrated market with a much more efficient production.

The team from IMAP Spain advised Esnaola on the transaction. This cross-border deal is yet another example of IMAP’s international reach.

Erwan Guyot, President of Guyot Environnement, said

“This new acquisition allows us to better serve our local customers by increasing efficiency in production. In the world of recycling and recovery, which is in a phase of significant concentration, the integration between the Esnaola family and the Guyot family strengthens our position in the market.”

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