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IMAP Morocco advises Laprophan on a capital increase subscription by Mediterrania Capital Partners

Laprophan, a well-established Moroccan pharmaceutical company is renowned for its extensive portfolio of pharmaceutical products spanning over 40 specialties across various therapeutic classes.

IMAP is pleased to announce IMAP Morocco’s involvement in another successful transaction, advising Laprophan on a €75 million capital increase subscription by a consortium of investors led by Mediterrania Capital Partners.

Laprophan, a well-established Moroccan pharmaceutical company with a rich history dating back to 1949, is renowned for its extensive portfolio of pharmaceutical products spanning over 40 specialties across various therapeutic classes. With a strong presence in the manufacturing, distribution, import, and export of pharmaceuticals in Morocco, it is an undisputed local industry leader.

Mediterrania Capital Partners, a prominent private equity firm specializing in growth investments in mid-cap companies throughout Africa, manages assets exceeding $450 million. The firm has earned a reputation for investing in enterprises with significant growth potential.

The capital increase subscription by Mediterrania Capital Partners perfectly aligns with Laprophan's strategic plans for expanding and thriving within the Pharmaceutical industry. This infusion of new investment will empower Laprophan to bolster its production capacity, enhance distribution networks, and foster improved healthcare accessibility for both patients and healthcare professionals across Morocco.

IMAP Morocco's team, led by Abdellatif Imani and Mehdi Berbich, was delighted to advise Laprophan on this transaction and to support the company's continued growth and success.

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