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IMAP Ireland advises on the sale of Frankie Health to Unmind

Headquartered in Ireland, Frankie employs c.17 staff and provides a personalised mental health platform for employers and their teams via evidence-based exercises to build mental resilience and connects workers to a community of over 1,000 therapists that can be accessed from home or the office

IMAP is pleased to announce that Key Capital – IMAP Ireland advised the shareholders of Frankie Health on its sale to Unmind.

Frankie was established in Dublin in 2020 by founding partners James McGann and Seb Poole. Headquartered in Ireland, Frankie employs c.17 staff and provides a personalised mental health platform for employers and their teams via evidence-based exercises to build mental resilience and connects workers to a community of over 1,000 therapists that can be accessed from home or the office.

Unmind is a London-based workplace mental health platform which helps employees proactively measure, understand, and nurture their own mental health. Supporting a diverse range of topics, from sleep to connection, calmness to coping, Unmind is available to more than 2 million employees in 110 countries, and is used by some of the world’s top employers, including Uber, British Airways, Marks & Spencer, and Samsung.

Unmind is a portfolio company of EQT Ventures, the venture capital arm of Swedish private equity firm EQT Group. EQT invested in Unmind as part of it’s £47m funding round in May 2021.

The team from Key Capital – IMAP Ireland acted as sole advisor to Frankie Health. Details of the transaction are not disclosed.

James McGann, co-founder of Frankie Health commented

“It was clear from the outset that Unmind and Frankie shared the same mission, and that our strengths complemented one another. Today, we’re joining forces to take employee wellbeing to the next level. As one team, we share a unique vision for the future of employee mental health support and we can’t wait to share it with you all.”

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