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IMAP Celebrates 50 Years of Mergers & Acquisitions!

We’re transforming into a global reference in middle-market M&A. But however we evolve, we’ll stay as devoted to personal relationships as we were in ‘73.

In commemoration, we have created this short video that looks back over IMAP’s history, which began in 1973 when a small group of independent firms from around the USA, united by their need to grow, reach new markets and create opportunities for clients, came together to form the National Association of Merger and Acquisition Consultants (NAMAC).

As NAMAC, we took our transformative journey international, joining top, strategically places M&A advisories around the world. And, in 1993, became IMAP. Fifteen years later, we underwent a pivotal restructuring to elevate our global image, combine our resources, and expand our international footprint.

Today we’re proud to be one of the world’s top ten middle-market M&A advisors. And it’s all down to the strength of our partnership and dedication of our teams. Individual catalysts, together we become agents of change around the world.

Client needs, market conditions, technology, it’s all changing every day. Our mission is to keep our clients thriving and having a positive impact on local economies, whether we’re advising a family office or a large corporation, guiding an entrepreneur through critical business moments or working with institutional investors.

As we look towards the next half century, we realize it’s essential not only to have a leadership team equipped to navigate new challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities, but also to identify and develop the next generation of leaders. Therefore, at IMAP, commitment to talent development and career progression, helping to attract and retain top talent is key.

We’re transforming into a global reference in middle-market M&A. But however we evolve, we’ll stay as devoted to personal relationships as we were in ‘73.

Enjoy this video as we take a quick trip down memory lane.

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Združitve in prevzemi v mid-market segmentu so svet priložnosti, s tem pa je povezano tudi morje možnosti in spreminjajočih se dejavnikov. Vaš svetovalec je kompas. Kontaktirajte nas za neobvezujoč posvet s strokovnjakom za združitve in prevzeme, ki bo pozorno prisluhnil vašim pomislekom in pošteno ter nepristransko ocenil najboljšo pot naprej.
Our business is your business growth


Veselimo se vašega sporočila. Naša ekipa je vedno na voljo za pogovor.


Hvala za vaše zanimanje za IMAP. Prosimo, uporabite spodnji obrazec, da nam poveste več o vaši trenutni situaciji in poskrbeli bomo, da vam bo pravi strokovnjak odgovoril čim prej.