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IMAP advises Kardham on entering the Spanish market through the acquisition of GABITECO

GABITECO provides companies and corporations design, architecture, and project management services for workspaces

IMAP Spain has advised Groupe Kardham (“Kardham”) on the acquisition of GABITECO, a family-owned business specializing in design & build services.

GABITECO provides companies and corporations design, architecture, and project management services for workspaces. Kardham is the first independent French group to bring together all the business skills in the commercial property value chain: consulting, architecture, space design, engineering, and digital.

This acquisition provides Kardham with local knowledge and presence in the Spanish market to help support its clients’ developments in Southern Europe. As well as gaining further efficiency and competitiveness in the Spanish market, Kardham will also now have the opportunity extend and strengthen its presence in the Portuguese market by bringing GABITECO’s design & build expertise to its Portuguese subsidiary.

The team from IMAP Spain, led by Aitor Cayero and Cesar Claver, exclusively advised Kardham on the transaction. Partners from IMAP Netherlands assisted on the sourcing of the deal.

Aitor Cayero, Partner at IMAP Spain, commented on market trends

“2022 was a very dynamic year in Spain across all the real estate value chain with €15.2 billion disbursed in direct investment, up 27% from 20211. Investments in logistics and hotels were higher than the past five-year average, and mega-deals were back in the Retail sector. In 2023, we expect these positive trends to continue overall, particularly in Business Services surrounding the Real Estate sector, with international players leading the way in consolidation processes.”

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