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Mathias Heymann strengthens the partner group at IMAP Germany

Mathias will be responsible for the structuring and implementation of national and international buy and sell mandates, particularly in the technology sector

Since the beginning of the month, Mathias Heymann has been strengthening the partner group of IMAP M&A Consultants AG and will be responsible for the structuring and implementation of national and international sell and buy side mandates, particularly in the technology sector.

Mathias has over 15 years of experience in M&A advisory with particular expertise in digital media, software and IT services. He joins IMAP from Alantra, where he was Managing Director responsible for the technology sector. He led numerous mid-market transactions, including advising FSN Capital on the acquisition of software company Lobster and the founders of KW-Commerce on their sale to SellerX. Previously, he spent nine years at GCA Altium and two years at DC Advisory. Mathias is a graduate of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

"We are pleased to welcome a colleague with such extensive expertise and diverse experience to our group of partners. Mathias Heymann will ideally complement and strengthen the growth sector Technology, which is very important for us", says Henning Graw, Managing Partner of IMAP M&A Consultants AG.

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