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Degroof Petercam – IMAP France advises Groupement Les Mousquetaires (Intermarché) on acquisition of retail points of sale from Groupe Casino

A first group of 61 stores, with sales of €563 million excluding VAT, was transferred to Groupement Les Mousquetaires on Friday, September 29, 2023. The stores sold are of various formats (Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Franprix, convenience stores), employ around 4,000 people and are spread across the whole of France.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam – IMAP France acted as financial advisor to Groupement Les Mousquetaires on its acquisition of a portfolio of 119 points of sale from the Groupe Casino. A first group of 61 stores, with sales of €563 million excluding VAT, was transferred to Groupement Les Mousquetaires on Friday, September 29, 2023. The stores sold are of various formats (Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Franprix, convenience stores), employ around 4,000 people and are spread across the whole of France. They will also be transferred under the Intermarché or Netto brands in October 2023.

This transaction is taking place within the framework of the restructuring of Groupe Casino's financing structure, which has resulted in an agreement in principle on a restructuring plan between Groupe Casino, a consortium of buyers (EPGC, Fimalac and Attestor) and some of the Group's creditors.

Groupement Les Mousquetaires brings together over 3,000 independent entrepreneurs, 150,000 employees and 7 brands: Intermarché, Netto, Bricomarché, Brico Cash, Bricorama, Roady, Rapid Pare-Brise. With almost 4,000 outlets in Europe and sales of€54.4 billion in 2022, it is a major player in the mass retail sector.

Groupe Casino is one of the world's leading food retailers, with around 12,000 stores and net sales of €33.6 billion in 2022.

The Degroof Petercam – IMAP France team, led by Franck Silvent, acted as financial advisor to Groupement Les Mousquetaires. This transaction underlines Degroof Petercam Investment Banking's expertise in the Retail sector and its ability to support strategic, complex and emblematic transactions.

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