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Degroof Petercam – IMAP France advises CNR on the structuring and financing of its solarization project for the Rhône Valley

As part of the project, CNR will make a €1 billion investment through its subsidiary Solarhona

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam – IMAP France has advised CNR on the structuring and financing of its solarization project for the Rhône Valley.

As part of the project, CNR will make a €1 billion investment through its subsidiary Solarhona. The aim is to deploy 1,000 MW by 2030 in small photovoltaic projects in the Rhône corridor on building roofs, car park shade structures, small ground, and floating surfaces.

Solarhona’s business model is based on the aggregation of projects into local SPVs opened to its partners (regions, local authorities, companies, and farmers), who can thus be involved in the capital and governance of the projects.

In this case, an original method of financing was implemented, combining (i) partial financing in shareholders' current accounts, (ii) the structuring of a RCF line for the construction phase, and (iii) a long-term refinancing line for the power plants once in operation.

The Degroof Petercam team, led by Franck Silvent and Antoine Tissier, assisted CNR in negotiations with its co-investors and in the financing structure, including pre-financing of the projects by rechargeable RCF, global medium-term refinancing after commissioning, and statistical due diligences.

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