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Degroof Petercam – IMAP Belgium advises founding shareholders of DPI on sale to DD Group, a portfolio company of Sun European Partners

DPI is a leading European distributor of dental consumables and equipment and produces crowns and bridges at its own laboratory

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam – IMAP Belgium has advised the founding shareholders of Dental Promotion & Innovation (“DPI”) on the sale to DD Group, a portfolio company of Sun European Partners.

DPI is a leading European distributor of dental consumables and equipment and produces crowns and bridges at its own laboratory. It is the largest dental distributor in Belgium, the third largest in France, and has a strong presence in Germany and the Netherlands. Servicing nearly 30,000 customers across Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, it focuses on fostering long-term relationships with leading dental product manufacturers, complemented by its excellent customer service and range and availability of high-quality products.

DD Group is an integrated distribution and demand creation platform for products and services for both dental and medical aesthetics customers in the UK. Customers have access to over 30,000 dental and medical aesthetics products, prescription medicines, equipment and technology alongside dental engineering and compliance services. The Group is an affiliated portfolio company of Sun European Partners, LLP.

The Degroof Petercam team, acted as exclusive financial adviser to the founding shareholders of DPI in the sale of their company, accompanying them very early on with extensive support in the preparation of the marketing and financial documentation and successfully structuring a competitive auction process. This transaction once more underlines Degroof Petercam’s ability to successfully support family business owners in the transition of their companies.

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