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Degroof Petercam – IMAP Belgium acts as Joint Global Coordinator in Sequana Medical’s €16mn private placement

This transaction highlights Degroof Petercam’s ability to deliver bespoke and out-of-the-ordinary deal structuring solutions and showcase resilient cross-country healthcare franchises.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam – IMAP Belgium has acted as Joint Global Coordinator and Settlement Agent in the €16 million private placement of new shares and subscription rights of Sequana Medical.

Sequana Medical successfully raised €16 million in a private placement of 4,445,205 new shares, representing approximately 18.7% of the company’s outstanding shares, and of 1,111,294 new subscription rights (representing c. 4.7% of the current outstanding shares if exercised). The new shares were placed at a price of €3.55 per share, reflecting a 30.4%discount compared to the 30-day VWAP.

The company intends to use the net proceeds primarily in connection with its two proprietary technologies: (i) pivotal studies and Pre-Market Approval progression related to alfapump®, and (ii) US Phase1/2a study initiation and Quality Management System development for DSR®.

The Degroof Petercam – IMAP Belgium team, led by Erik De Clippel, acted as Joint Global Coordinator and Settlement Agent to Sequana Medical. This transaction highlights Degroof Petercam’s ability to deliver bespoke and out-of-the-ordinary deal structuring solutions and showcase resilient cross-country healthcare franchises.

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