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Capital West Partners – IMAP Canada Advises Stride Capital Corp. on Sale to Servus Credit Union

Stride is a leading financing and leasing provider for new and used industrial equipment, offering a range of prime credit profiles originated through established relationships with direct channels, independent lessors, financial institutions, and brokers.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Capital West Partners – IMAP Canada has advised Stride Capital Corp. (“Stride”) on its sale to Servus Credit Union (“Servus”).

Founded in 2016 in Calgary, Alberta, Stride is a leading financing and leasing provider for new and used industrial equipment, offering a range of prime credit profiles originated through established relationships with direct channels, independent lessors, financial institutions, and brokers. Stride’s customers consist of agriculture, construction, energy, forestry, manufacturing, mining, and transportation businesses across Canada.

Servus is an Edmonton, Alberta-based provider of a full line of secure financial services, with more than 100 branches across 59 communities in the province. This acquisition represents the company’s next step in reimagining its credit union business in response to the rapidly changing Canadian financial landscape, while allowing Stride to be an increasingly powerful national competitor.

“Through this arrangement with Servus, we see tremendous opportunity for the expansion of our business in the provinces where we operate,” said Randy Mannix, President of Stride. “We will be able to provide our customers with increased access to capital, while most of our management group and all 20 employees will become part of the new subsidiary.”

Ian Burns, President and CEO of Servus, adds, “Stride’s leasing services will be available to Servus’ commercial members, giving them greater access to credit and features to help them grow their own enterprises, while Stride’s existing clients will benefit from more and larger leasing opportunities owing to Servus’ financial strength.”
Capital West Partners – IMAP Canada’s team in Vancouver acted as exclusive financial advisor to Stride on this transaction.

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