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Capital West Partners – IMAP Canada Advises on Sale of Cranberry Creek Hydroelectric Power Facilities to BluEarth Renewables

Located near Revelstoke, BC, Cranberry consists of two run-of-river facilities and a shared powerhouse, with a capacity of 11.5 megawatts

IMAP is pleased to announce that Capital West Partners – IMAP Canada has advised on the sale of the Cranberry Creek Hydroelectric Power facilities (“Cranberry”) to BluEarth Renewables (“BluEarth”).

Located near Revelstoke, BC, Cranberry consists of two run-of-river facilities and a shared powerhouse, with a capacity of 11.5 megawatts. The facilities sell power to BC Hydro, a regional provider of electric utilities, under long-term electricity purchase agreements.

BluEarth Renewables is an independent power producer with an extensive portfolio of wind, hydroelectric, storage, and solar facilities across North America. Backed by European infrastructure fund DIF, BluEarth’s portfolio includes over 1 gigawatt in operation and under construction, with a further 5 gigawatts of projects under development.

Capital West Partners – IMAP Canada’s team in Vancouver acted as exclusive financial advisor to Advanced Energy Systems, the owner of the Cranberry Creek facilities, on this transaction and led a targeted sales process.

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