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IMAP advises on the sale of AS Oxidwerke to OETINGER Aluminium

IMAP advised Special Situations Venture Partners III (SSVP III), a fund advised by Orlando Management GmbH, on the sale of AS Oxidwerke to OETINGER Aluminium

IMAP advised Special Situations Venture Partners III (SSVP III), a fund advised by Orlando Management GmbH, on the sale of AS Oxidwerke to OETINGER Aluminium.

AS Oxidwerke GmbH operates a recycling facility for aluminum salt slag for the secondary aluminum industry at its Stockach site. Salt slag is produced during the smelting of aluminum waste and must be recycled according to EU legislation. In accordance with the principles of the circular economy, the recovered materials – salt, aluminum oxide and aluminum granulate – can be completely reused in the industry.

As the sole operator of a salt slag recycling facility in southern Germany and with an annual recycling capacity of 58,000 tons, AS Oxidwerke is part of the critical infrastructure of the aluminum recycling industry in the southern DACH region. The economically very successful company generates revenues from the acceptance of salt slag from its customers on the basis of long-term framework agreements and the sale of the recovered raw materials salt and aluminum granulate to the secondary aluminum industry. The aluminum oxide is sold to customers in the building materials industry for the production of insulating materials, among others.

Through the acquisition of AS Oxidwerke, OETINGER Aluminium, a secondary aluminum producer for a variety of end customer markets including the automotive and mechanical engineering industries, secures long-term access to valuable recycling capacities for its nearby sites in Neu-Ulm and Weißenhorn as part of a verticalization strategy. Sales to third-party customers by AS Oxidwerke will remain unchanged.

The IMAP team led by Burkhard Weber, Ulrich Keesen, and Axel Lerro exclusively advised Orlando and the SSVP III fund as part of a structured M&A process through all phases to a successful closing.

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