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Indutrade acquires Primed, a supplier of professional physiotherapy equipment

Primed is a Swedish supplier of professional physiotherapy equipment. The products are used for advanced physiotherapy aimed at patients with a comprehensive rehabilitation need. The customers are public and private healthcare providers, such as regional councils, elderly care centres and private clinics within physiotherapy, naprapathy and chiropractics

Indutrade has signed an agreement to acquire all shares in the Swedish company Primed Fysio och Rehab AB

Primed is a Swedish supplier of professional physiotherapy equipment. The products are used for advanced physiotherapy aimed at patients with a comprehensive rehabilitation need. The customers are public and private healthcare providers, such as regional councils, elderly care centres and private clinics within physiotherapy, naprapathy and chiropractics.

Primed was founded in 2004 by the Primnell family and is located in Halmstad, Sweden. The previous owner, Fredrik Primnell, will continue as CEO also after the sale.

Indutrade is an international technology and industrial business group that today consists of more than 200 companies in some 30 countries, mainly in Europe. The companies in the Group develops, manufactures, and sells components, systems and services with significant technical content in selected niches. Indutrade's net sales totalled SEK 21.7 billion in 2021, and the share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in Sweden.

IMAP advised the sellers throughout the process.

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