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Pinnacle Inc. – IMAP Japan advises Terilogy on a capital and business alliance with Kanematsu Electronics

Kanematsu Electronics has invested in Terilogy to obtain 5% of its shares for a price of USD 2.3 million (JPY 327 million).

IMAP is pleased to announce that a capital and business alliance has been made between Terilogy Co., Ltd. (Terilogy), an information technology solution provider, and Kanematsu Electronics (KEL). KEL has invested in Terilogy to obtain 5% of its shares for a price of USD 2.3 million (JPY 327 million).

Terilogy, founded in 1989 and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, engages in the provision of service assurance and information technology solutions through its different divisions including Information and Communication Technology (ITC), Security, and Monitoring. It has approximately 200 employees and a turnover of USD 36 million (JPY 5.2 billion).
KEL is a consolidated subsidiary of the general trading company Kanematsu Corporation, and is primarily engaged in the domestic trading of electronic information processing related equipment, and the development and maintenance of software and hardware. Its turnover is USD 495 million (JPY 71.3 billion).

Through this capital and business alliance, it is expected that Terilogy and KEL will be able to provide a wide range of security services to customers of both companies by complementing each other’s area of expertise.

The team from Pinnacle Inc. - IMAP Japan, led by Ikuo Yasuda and Tomohiko Shibata, exclusively advised both parties throughout the entire process achieving a quick completion in a limited time period, commenting: “We are proud to have found the best partner for each party ensuring the realization of future synergies.”

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