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New Managing Director at IMAP M&A Consultants AG

Peter Bertling has been appointed to the executive board at IMAP M&A Consultants AG on October 01, 2022.

Peter Bertling has been appointed to the executive board at IMAP M&A Consultants AG on October 01, 2022. With this addition, IMAP sets the course for further growth and strengthens its senior presence in the market.

Peter Bertling contributes strong professional and management experience in the banking business to the IMAP team, particularly in structured finance and strategic advice for corporate clients and transactions. Before joining IMAP, he was Managing Director at Bayerische Landesbank for six years, where he was Head of Global Corporates and responsible for the sectors technology and infrastructure. Previously, Peter had held various management positions in the corporate and investment bank of Deutsche Bank AG for more than 30 years. Among other responsibilities, he had been a member of the management team for corporate clients in Germany and the Central Region where he was responsible for significant parts of the business with owner-managed family companies as well as the development and management of structured financing solutions for medium-sized companies.

As an executive Board Member of IMAP M&A Consultants AG, his main focus - in addition to the regular M&A Advisory Business - will be the expansion of the Debt Advisory Business and the further development of the strategic partnership in the German savings banks (“Sparkassen”) sector.

"With Peter Bertling, we are delighted to be able to attract a true specialist for medium-sized companies to our Group," comments Holger Mai, Chairman of the Management Board of the Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft Group and of the Supervisory Board of IMAP M&A Consultants AG. "In addition to his high level of expertise in the M&A sector, he is also very familiar with the ‘Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe’ and is therefore the ideal person to leverage further potential within our cooperation partners among the savings banks."

The other IMAP board members Karl Fesenmeyer, Peter Koch, Dr. Carsten Lehmann and Henning Graw are also looking forward to the cooperation: "Peter Bertling has a strong reputation among his clients as a senior professional in strategic consulting for medium-sized, mostly family-run companies and large international corporations. We welcome him warmly and look forward to continuing the IMAP success story together with him, our partners and our entire team."

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