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IMAP Netherlands advises on sale of vacuum equipment manufacturer Amphitec and vacuum equipment rental business ATEC Rental to RSP

IMAP is pleased to announce that Amphitec and ATEC Rental have been acquired by German family-owned R&G Holding, owner of the RSP Group (RSP), worldwide leader in the suction excavator market. The Dutch private equity company Active Capital Company (ACC) divested its shares in Amphitec and ATEC Rental in August 2022, which owned a majority stake in the company since 2015 and supported the company in developing several transformation initiatives during the past years.

Amphitec designs and manufactures high-end mobile vacuum machines. Amphitec’s vacuum machines are used in the industrial cleaning industry, roof gravel application and suction excavation. Since the establishment of Amphitec, the company has become a top dry vacuum producer in Europe in its relevant markets and serves customers both through direct sales and through its dealer network. Amphitec was founded in 2000 and has locations in the Netherlands and Poland. The company has a team of over 80 employees. ATEC Rental provides flexible rental solutions of high-end young vacuum trucks and currently operates a rapidly growing fleet of over 15 trucks which are rented out all over Europe. As RSP focusses on ventilation technology, the acquisition further broadens and strengthens its product range with Amphitec’s vacuum technology.

Patrick Renger, CEO of RSP, commented: “We are a true family business and are proud that we have been able to add Amphitec and ATEC Rental to our company family. We look forward to working with the teams in the Netherlands and Poland”.

IMAP Netherlands has a strong track record in the Industrials market. Throughout this transaction, it leveraged its transaction expertise to facilitate a competitive sales process, resulting in a transaction at attractive terms and conditions with the most suitable buyer. The IMAP Netherlands team advised and supported the sellers throughout the whole transaction process.

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