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IMAP advises Rident Group on sale to Adria Dental Group

Rident Group is a leading Croatian dental group

IMAP is pleased to announce that Provectus Capital Partners (PCP), an investment company focused on markets in Southeast Europe, has invested in Rident Group, a leading Croatian dental group. The acquisition was carried out through the holding company ASEF ADRIA (Adria Dental Group), a central consolidating entity within the dental sector established by PCP.

Rident Group consists of two dental polyclinics with 38 state-of-the-art equipped dental offices and the largest dental laboratory in the region. The Group’s unique selling points include a strong brand in the dental field in Croatia and Italy, state-of-the-art diagnostic and laboratory equipment, highly experienced staff and a wide sales network.
The IMAP SEE team, led by Jurgis Oniunas and Tomislav Boban, acted as exclusive transaction advisor to the owners of Rident Group in finding a strategic partner for Polyclinics Rident, dental laboratory Ridental and companies Sano Dent and Florin.

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