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IMAP advises Lampe Privatinvest on the sale of Erfurter Teigwaren to Schwarz Group

Lampe Privatinvest, an investor group advised by QVM Privatkapital, sells its stake in Erfurter Teigwaren GmbH to Schwarz Produktion.

Lampe Privatinvest, an investor group advised by QVM Privatkapital, sells its stake in Erfurter Teigwaren GmbH (“ETW”), the largest pasta producer in Germany, to Schwarz Produktion. The deal, which is still subject to antitrust approval, marks a landmark transaction in the German food industry since this is the very first time that a German food retailer will have an own in-house pasta production.

Erfurter Teigwaren GmbH, which was founded in 1793, is the oldest pasta factory in Germany. Today, the company employs approximately 170 people and is the largest dried pasta producer in Germany, with a production volume of about 100,000 tons per year. Equipped with state-of-the-art production facilities, ETW is able to produce over 100 different pasta shapes, among others as well in the organic and spelt segments. The company specializes in private label products and supplies food retailers, discounters, and industrial clients in Germany and neighboring countries.

The Schwarz Produktion is the umbrella brand of the Schwarz Group‘s production companies. In total, around 4,000 employees in the Schwarz Produktion organizations manufacture high-quality food as well as sustainable packaging and materials for its retail divisions Lidl and Kaufland. These include mineral water and soft drinks, chocolate, dried fruit, baked goods, and ice cream.

“ETW has developed very dynamically in recent years following the construction of a new plant and has significantly increased production volumes since then. We are convinced that the company and its employees will be in good hands,” said Victor Antunes, Managing Director of QVM Privatkapital. “We would also like to thank the IMAP team which provided valuable insight, guidance and advice at each step of the process, enabling us to find a great partner for the management and employees of Erfurter Teigwaren.”

The IMAP team, comprising Marco Strogusch (Partner), Alessandro Cornelli (Director), Florian Müller (Vice President), and Kevin Xu (Analyst), exclusively advised the shareholders of Erfurter Teigwaren GmbH throughout all phases of a structured M&A process. This deal exemplifies the strong footprint of IMAP´s global consumer team in the food & beverage industry.

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