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Degroof Petercam – IMAP France & Belgium and IMAP Netherlands sign exclusive partnership

IMAP France & Belgium and IMAP Netherlands have signed an exclusive partnership to leverage their respective strengths in a mutual effort to further develop capital market activities in the Netherlands

Degroof Petercam – IMAP France & Belgium and IMAP Netherlands have signed an exclusive partnership to leverage their respective strengths in a mutual effort to further develop capital market activities in the Netherlands. Under the agreement the partners will work more closely together to mutually benefit from the combination of Degroof Petercam’s long-standing expertise in capital market solutions and its established presence as BENELUX broker with IMAP Netherlands’ recognized M&A advisory practice and deep-rooted network with Dutch midcaps. Both companies remain independent.

IMAP Netherlands’ origination capacity in the Netherlands will allow Degroof Petercam to leverage its capital market expertise to an extended network of Dutch mid-cap corporates by offering tailor-made equity and debt capital market solutions fueled by its trading desk and in-house research capability. With the combination IMAP Netherlands strengthens its solutions offering for mid-market clients with equity and debt capital market solutions.  The IMAP Netherlands Amsterdam team will operate from the Degroof Petercam’s office in Amsterdam. A Degroof Petercam banker specialized in equity and debt capital markets will operate from the IMAP Netherlands office in Rotterdam as part of this collaboration.

IMAP Netherlands was ranked 3rd by number of deals in the 2021 Dutch Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) league tables, while Degroof Petercam was ranked 4th Benelux Broker in the latest Extel Survey.

Jan Pieter Borst, Partner at IMAP Netherlands, commented

“We are convinced that bringing Degroof Petercam’s debt and equity advisory solutions to our existing clients will prove highly complementary to our strategic M&A capabilities. We look forward to working closely together, bringing a broader and distinctive service-offering to our clients and drive value creation.”

François Wohrer, Head of Degroof Petercam Investment Banking, added

“We are delighted to partner with IMAP Netherlands. This partnership ensures an optimal combined presence from start to finish of the deal process, from origination through financing, closing and integration.  By sharing our respective skills and expertise, both Degroof Petercam and IMAP Netherlands can offer our respective clients tailored solutions that best address their needs and expectations.” 

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