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Degroof Petercam – IMAP France acts as exclusive financial advisor on the simplified public takeover bid of Groupe IRD on behalf of IRD et Associés

Degroof Petercam - IMAP France has acted as exclusive financial advisor on the simplified public takeover bid for the shares of Groupe IRD on behalf of IRD et Associés.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam - IMAP France has acted as exclusive financial advisor on the simplified public takeover bid for the shares of Groupe IRD on behalf of IRD et Associés.

This offer provides Groupe IRD's minority shareholders with certain liquidity for their shares at the offer price set at €44.20 per share, corresponding to the consolidated net assets per share and representing a premium of 92.2% over the closing price of the share on October 4, 2022 (the last trading day prior to the announcement of the proposed offer), and 87.5% over the volume weighted average of the 60 trading days prior to this announcement.

Since its creation in 1956, Groupe IRD has never called on the market and does not intend to do so to finance its development. Rising costs, particularly due to the regulatory and administrative constraints associated with the listing is weighing on the Group. In this context, delisting would allow Groupe IRD to focus on its activities.

With this operation, Degroof Petercam - IMAP France has once again demonstrated its expertise in stock market engineering operations.

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