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Capstone Partners Advises Telesis Technologies On Its Sale to Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems

Telesis Technologies is a leading turnkey marking solutions provider that fully integrates proprietary laser and dot peen marking systems with robotics and automation applications

Capstone Partners advised Telesis Technologies, Inc. (Telesis)—a global industrial technology leader of AI vision system-based laser and dot peen automation systems for permanent marking applications—on its sale to Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. (HIES). Telesis was a portfolio company of Crimson Investments and Bertram Capital Management. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Telesis Technologies is a leading turnkey marking solutions provider that fully integrates proprietary laser and dot peen marking systems with robotics and automation applications. Telesis offers the industry’s broadest product portfolio utilizing proprietary laser, dot peen, vision, and artificial intelligence (“AI”) technologies with automation and engineering capabilities and enjoys one of the largest installed bases of marking systems across multiple end markets.

For more than 40 years, HIES has successfully developed its Coding and Marking Business with Continuous Inkjet Printing technology, to serve a variety of product identification needs in Food & Beverage, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical, Electronic and Automotive parts industries in well over 110 countries worldwide.

Increasing demand for precise, indelible coding and more environmentally friendly products expands the business opportunities for a wider range of coding technology, in particular laser and dot peen markers. HIES will seek to implement Telesis’ proprietary AI and software technology across its own install base of inkjet printers, while further expanding its laser and dot peen marking product portfolio.

The expert investment banking professionals on Capstone Partners’ Industrial Technology Group (ITG) work with highly innovative and disruptive technology providers in the middle-market to maximize financial outcomes at every stage of the business lifecycle.

Ashot Mesropyan, Chairman, Telesis Technologies, said

"The Capstone Industrial Technology Group’s vast transaction experience in the photonics and automation sectors was evident from beginning to end and we enjoyed working closely with this team."

John-Paul Ho, Managing Partner of Crimson Investments, stated 

“Capstone differentiated themselves with their deep knowledge of various technologies. This enabled Capstone’s team to advise us on how to best position the company and its technology for both strategic and private equity buyers. Their tactical advice and overall commitment to the deal resulted in a value that exceeded our expectations in a tumultuous time in the economy."

Peter Nam, Group Head & Managing Director of Capstone’s Industrial Technology Group, commented

“The acquisition of Telesis provides HIES with best-in-class AI and laser marking technologies to further solidify their leadership in the industrial marking and coding segments. It was a pleasure serving the investment banking needs of Crimson, Bertram, and Telesis.” 

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