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Capstone Partners Advises Siegel Egg on Sale to Rotunda Capital Partners

Siegel Egg Co. is a leading wholesale distributor of bakery ingredients and other food products to commercial bakeries and retailers throughout the Northeast

Capstone Partners advised Siegel Egg Co., a leading wholesale distributor of bakery ingredients and other food products to commercial bakeries and retailers throughout the Northeast, on its sale to Rotunda Capital Partners.

Siegel is a fourth-generation, family-owned distributor of bakery ingredients. The company operates out of a single facility in Billerica, Mass., and distributes over 2,300 SKUs to customers in New England and New York.

Ken Siegel, CEO, Siegel Egg, said

"Capstone was the perfect partner. They invested the time upfront to understand our business as well as our goals and objectives. They ran a competitive transaction process and ultimately found us what we believe to be the perfect partner to help accelerate our growth."

Capstone Founder & CEO John Ferrara, commented

“It’s a particular honor to be part of the generational legacy of Siegel Egg. Capstone focuses on the middle market specifically because of companies and families like Siegel. This is a great outcome because we were able to deploy our Food & Beverage industry expertise, together with our Financial Advisory Services team, to support the family through this process.”

Yogesh Punjabi, the Senior Director on the deal team, added

“Ultimately, Rotunda’s focus on distribution businesses and its deep bench of food-related operational partners made it the clear choice to help take this iconic New England brand forward into the next phase of its existence,” 

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