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Capstone Partners Advises Conscious Discipline on Its Sale to Prairie Capital

Conscious Discipline is a leading provider of social-emotional learning (SEL) solutions that equip teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, parents, and special needs educators with the skills to foster the development of self-regulation and emotional competence in children

Capstone Partners advised Conscious Discipline (The Company) on its acquisition by Prairie Capital (Prairie). Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Conscious Discipline is a leading provider of social-emotional learning (SEL) solutions that equip teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, parents, and special needs educators with the skills to foster the development of self-regulation and emotional competence in children. The Company’s methodology and award-winning transformative SEL training utilize a combination of current behavioral and brain research, child development information, developmentally appropriate practices, and an adult-first, child-second model for SEL. It has been shown to be highly effective in reducing student behavioral issues and suspensions, enhancing educational outcomes, and improving the social and emotional skillsets of both children and adults. The importance of SEL has become increasingly recognized by administrators as schools confront a tidal wave of student misbehavior driven by months of remote learning and an educational staff that is struggling with disruptive students, burnout, and their own mental health issues exacerbated by the pandemic.

Conscious Discipline has been at the forefront of SEL education since its founding 25 years ago by the renowned Dr. Becky Bailey. In those 25 years, Dr. Bailey has authored 24 books, including 15 children’s books focused on the Conscious Discipline model. Over one million copies of Dr. Bailey’s flagship book, Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms, are in circulation, and she has created over 100 transformational SEL and classroom management resources. The Company offers SEL solutions through in-person workshop and institute events, on-site training and professional development, sale of its educational products, and through the fast-growing EdTech division which provides online SEL content including webinars, podcasts, and self-paced classes.

Becky Bailey, Owner, Conscious Discipline, said

"Capstone was the best choice I could have made. They made a difficult process work seamlessly. The team held my hand carefully and assertively guided the process for my best outcome."

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