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Capstone Partners Advised Covail on Sale to GoSecure, Inc.

Covail was founded in 2015 with investments from seven of the largest companies in Central Ohio to provide collaborative solutions to common artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity challenges facing their respective businesses, as well as other customers

Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Covail was founded in 2015 with investments from seven of the largest companies in Central Ohio to provide collaborative solutions to common artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity challenges facing their respective businesses, as well as other customers.

Covail’s experts in AI, automation, cybersecurity, and risk management work with enterprises to help create intelligent operations that are more secure, automated, and data-driven through professional services and proprietary technologies in risk management and machine learning-based cybersecurity attack detection. By leveraging its collaborative partnering approach and results-driven methodologies, Covail was able to attract a high-end enterprise customer base and successfully deliver results on over 1,000 client engagements and collaboration sessions since its formation.

Covail turned to Capstone Partners to advise the Company on its strategic options. Given Covail’s unique investor base, Capstone quickly realized that partnering with the Special Situations Investment Banking (SSIB) group would ensure that it achieved the client’s strategic objectives, including: (i) sustaining a commitment to expand operations in the Columbus, Ohio, region, (ii) preserving and expanding opportunities for Covail employees, (iii) securing a strong ideological and cultural fit, and (iv) maximizing shareholder value.

Matt Wald, President & CEO, Covail, said

"The Capstone Team were great partners that enabled us to expand our strategic alternatives and effectively navigate the cybersecurity ecosystem to arrive at a successful transaction for our board."

Jamie Lisac, a Managing Director and leader of Capstone’s SSIB group, added 

“David’s and the Cybersecurity team’s deep sector experience combined with SSIB’s experience in designing and executing highly competitive transaction processes resulted in multiple buyers recognizing the company’s expertise and value proposition in security, artificial intelligence and automation,” 

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