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Trigon (IMAP Poland) advises shareholders of content creation marketplace WhitePress on sale to RTB House

WhitePress is a leading content marketing platform that assists advertising agencies and corporate clients in the creation and publication of high-quality content across the web, as well as tracking marketing campaign results

IMAP is pleased to announce that Trigon acted as exclusive financial advisor to WhitePress, its founders, Dirlango, a technology-focused investment firm and Innova Capital, a CEE mid-market private equity firm, on the sale of 100% of their shares to RTB House, a global advertising technology firm.

Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Poland, WhitePress is a leading content marketing platform that assists advertising agencies and corporate clients in the creation and publication of high-quality content across the web, as well as tracking marketing campaign results. It is a leader in content marketing automation that makes the publishing process easier, faster, and more cost-effective.

RTB House is a global company that provides state-of-the-art marketing technologies for top brands and agencies worldwide. Its proprietary ad buying engine is the first in the world to be powered entirely by Deep Learning algorithms, enabling advertisers to generate outstanding results and reach their goals at every stage of the funnel. Founded in 2012, the RTB House team comprises 750+ specialists in over 30 locations around the globe.

WhitePress’s management, including founders Paweł Strykowski and Tomasz Kwaśny, will continue in their existing roles. The support provided by RTB House will enable WhitePress to seek to accelerate its growth across new markets including the Americas and Asia.

The Trigon team, led by Krzysztof Kempiński and Michał Skuza, advised the sellers throughout the process.

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