Proiščite svojega svetovalca

Trigon advised the Semper Simul Foundation on financing

LPP is the leading fashion group in Central and Eastern Europe, operating in 30 countries via e-commerce and over 2,000 stores.

Trigon advised the Semper Simul Foundation, anchor shareholder in LPP S.A., in successfully completing the increase of its shareholding in LPP via equity and a PLN 350,000,000 (ca. €76.6m) credit facility.

Trigon acted as sole financial advisor, structuring agent, coordinator and broker to the Semper Simul Foundation. 

LPP is the leading fashion group in Central and Eastern Europe, operating in 30 countries via e-commerce and over 2,000 stores.

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Združitve in prevzemi v mid-market segmentu so svet priložnosti, s tem pa je povezano tudi morje možnosti in spreminjajočih se dejavnikov. Vaš svetovalec je kompas. Kontaktirajte nas za neobvezujoč posvet s strokovnjakom za združitve in prevzeme, ki bo pozorno prisluhnil vašim pomislekom in pošteno ter nepristransko ocenil najboljšo pot naprej.
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