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Vitale & Co. advised Avenue Capital Group on sale to Lameri family

Holding Dolciaria Italiana S.p.A. is an Italian company that produces and distributes “Made in Italy” chocolate-based products and sweets such as chocolates, gift boxes and eggs

Avenue Capital Group has sold a majority stake in Holding Dolciaria Italiana S.p.A. to the Lameri family.

Based in Castelleone (CR), Holding Dolciaria Italiana S.p.A. is an Italian company that produces and distributes “Made in Italy” chocolate-based products and sweets such as chocolates, gift boxes and eggs, in Italy and in more than 70 countries, through two historic Italian brands such as Sorini and Feletti.

Avenue Capital Group is an investment company founded in 1995 mainly active in the United States, Europe and Asia.

Vitale & Co.  acted as sell side advisor supporting Avenue Capital Group in the definition of the transaction’s structure and terms and in the execution of negotiations with the counterparty.

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