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Degroof Petercam (IMAP France) advises the shareholder of Sephira on sale to DL Software

Sephira is a leader in software solutions for healthcare professionals.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam (IMAP France) advised Daniel Israël on the sale of 100% of Sephira’s shares to DL Software.

Founded in the early 2000s by Daniel Israël and based in Le Mans, France, Sephira is a leader in software solutions for healthcare professionals. The firm, which generated €13 million in revenue in 2020, is known for its expertise in billing and tele-transmission solutions. Sephira has more than 24,000 users of its different solutions and placing innovation at the heart of its strategy, holds a leading position in the general practitioners segment.

Acquired by US PE fund TA Associates in 2021, DL Software recorded€74 million of revenue in 2020. The new shareholder aims to continue to pursue the buy-and-build strategy that enabled DL Software to achieve substantial growth in professional SaaS solutions. Since its acquisition by TA Associates, DL Sotfware has accelerated acquisitions, with Acquitaine Informatique in public works, Pyxisem in tele-transmission, Gercop in real estate and Antibia in back-office solutions, thus doubling its revenue in 2021.

The Degroof Petercam (IMAP France) team, led by Franck Ceddaha and David Amar, acted as financial advisor to Daniel Israël, sole shareholder of Sephira. This deal further substantiates Degroof Petercam’s expertise in both the Technology and Healthcare Industries.

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