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Capstone Partners advises Everest Transportation Systems on its recapitalization with Cambridge Capital

Everest Transportation Systems is a high-growth, unique freight brokerage, currently focused on over the road surface transportation

Capstone Partners advised Everest Transportation Systems (Everest or the Company), a transportation brokerage shipping partner, on its recapitalization with Cambridge Capital. With the Everest transaction, the Capstone Partners Transportation & Logistics team has now advised the owners of five 3PL companies on successful M&A deals over the last three-and-a-half years.

Everest Transportation Systems is a high-growth, unique freight brokerage, currently focused on over the road surface transportation. Through an innovative organizational design and go-to-market model, Everest is disrupting traditional freight brokerage by delivering exponential growth, operational excellence and high-touch service 24×7 – at scale. Everest specializes in full truckload, LTL, drayage, intermodal, hazmat, temperature controlled, expedited and volume partials, with a focus on stable, non-cyclical industries such as food and beverage. Everest was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Evanston, IL, with a meaningful operation in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Cambridge Capital is a private investment firm focused on investing in high-growth, tech-enabled supply chain companies, encompassing the logistics, transportation, distribution, and supply chain-related sectors.

Jacob Elperin, CEO, Everest Transportation Systems, said

"What set Capstone apart from the competition is their level of sincerity and industry expertise. At every challenging moment, their knowledge, responsiveness and calmness was on full display. The quality and tenacity of the team was evident from the beginning and definitely the type of people you want to be in the trenches."

Burke Smith, Head of Transportation & Logistics at Capstone Partners, commented 

“Jake, Lev and Phil have built a truly differentiated brokerage model that provides compelling service for clients and a fantastic culture for team members. It was a true pleasure to be part of this journey with them as they position Everest for the next phase of dynamic growth.”


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