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Trigon (IMAP Poland) announced as winner of Euromoney Award for Excellence 2020 in the category of Best Investment Bank in Poland

Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence are decided on by editorial panels and are widely considered the most prestigious awards in the global investment banking industry.

We are delighted to announce that Trigon (IMAP Poland) has been honored as the Best Investment Bank in Poland by Euromoney, the preeminent global financial markets magazine, at its annual Awards for Excellence release on 15 July 2020.

Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence are decided on by editorial panels and are widely considered the most prestigious awards in the global investment banking industry. The recognition of Trigon as Best Investment Bank in Poland in 2017, 2018 and 2020 is the result of your continued trust, cooperation and openness, which motivate us to strive for continuous improvement of our products and advice to Polish and international clients on their most challenging corporate transactions in Central and Eastern Europe.

We are confident that in working together we will achieve many further successes in the future. In the meantime, we keep our fingers crossed for all our clients’ respective strategic efforts in the uncertain global environment. A warm "Thank You" from the Trigon IMAP Poland Team!

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