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IMAP Germany advises Heitkamp & Thumann Group on the sale of Doby Verrolec to Chiltern Capital

Heitkamp & Thumann Group has sold its UK-based air duct accessories business, to Chiltern Capital, a London based private equity firm.

Heitkamp & Thumann Group, the family owned industrial manufacturing group headquartered in Duesseldorf, has sold its UK-based air duct accessories business, to Chiltern Capital, a London based private equity firm. The transaction comprises the legal entities based in the UK operating under the “Doby Verrolec” brand.

Doby Verrolec is the UK market leader in the design and manufacture of ductwork components for air control systems used in HVAC applications. It also supplies suspension systems and metal sections/profiles for a range of applications, as well as bespoke products and engineered solutions. The Company’s core manufacturing competence lies in roll-forming and metal stamping. Doby’s products are used in commercial construction installations, including the premises of well-known international companies. Its products have also been built into landmark buildings such as The Shard, Wembley stadium and the iconic Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Chiltern Capital specializes in private equity investments in lower mid-market companies in the UK, backing well-established businesses with growth potential and run by entrepreneurial management teams.

The IMAP Germany team, led by Dr. Burkhard Weber and Claudio Laudati, advised Heitkamp & Thumann Group on a competitive corporate disposal process in the UK and fielded a cross-border, cross-cultural and multilingual team.

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