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IMAP advises BOS Group on the sale of etm - engineering technologie marketing gmbh to Callista Private Equity

The international consortium BOS GmbH & Co. KG has sold all shares of its subsidiary etm - engineering technologie marketing gmbh to Callista Private Equity.

The international automotive supplier group BOS GmbH & Co. KG (BOS Group) has sold all shares of its subsidiary etm - engineering technologie marketing gmbh (etm) to Callista Private Equity.

etm is a leading manufacturer of components and systems made of plastics and elastomers for automotive applications. With innovations such as design covers for e-motors and the tubeless charge air pipe, etm is a key supplier to automotive manufacturers. etm thus makes important contributions to emission reduction, e-mobility as well as hybrid drives and is ideally positioned to participate in these global megatrends. The company employs over 500 people at its site in Saalburg-Ebersdorf.

Callista intends to continue the already initiated process of strategic repositioning of etm and to expand the company's customer base. In the future, etm will also benefit from extensive economies of scale and process expertise in connection with Callista's existing portfolio companies.

BOS Group is headquartered in Ostfildern, Germany. With about 8,000 employees worldwide, it is a leading supplier of innovative mechatronic and kinematic systems for automobiles, such as luggage compartment covers, sun protection systems, panorama roof systems, etc. After the sale of etm, BOS Group will focus on further growth and development in strategic focus fields.

The IMAP team with Henning Graw, Marco Minnerup, Alexander Grund and Basem El-Bouz exclusively advised BOS Group throughout a structured M&A process and supported it in negotiating and successfully closing the transaction.

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