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IMAP advised the shareholders of reisenthel Group on the sale to INVISION

The majority of the reisenthel Group, a well-known and leading German manufacturer of functional shopping baskets, bags and everyday helpers, was taken over by the Swiss-German financial investor INVISION in the course of a succession solution.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Swiss-German financial investor, INVISION, has acquired a majority stake in the Reisenthel Group, a German manufacturer of functional bags and everyday helpers, as part of a succession solution.

Founded in 1971 and based near Munich, Reisenthel designs, manufactures and sells a range of over 100 functional shopping baskets, bags, luggage and practical everyday helpers. The company's cult product, the carrybag, a textile shopping basket with an aluminum handle, has sold millions of units. Following the sale to INVISION, the Reisenthel family will continue to hold an interest in the company.

INVISION is a Swiss-German investment company that focuses on established medium-sized companies, particularly those in succession scenarios. It has been successfully active as an investment company in German-speaking countries for over 20 years and has invested in 50+ medium-sized companies.

The IMAP Germany team, led by Karl Fesenmeyer and Catharina Peters, initiated the transaction on behalf of the shareholders of Reisenthel and handled the sale during all its phases.

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