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IMAP Italy advises shareholders of FEG Brivio, supplier of special vehicles for waste collection, on sale of shares to Zoeller-Kipper

The shareholding families that founded FEG Brivio will continue to hold stakes in the company and the CEO will also remain in place

IMAP is pleased to announce that shareholders of FEG Brivio agreed to sell a 60% stake to Zoeller - Kipper GmbH. The shareholding families that founded FEG Brivio will continue to hold stakes in the company and the CEO will also remain in place. The partnership will allow both companies to jointly expand their range of services and customer base.

FEG Brivio is the leading Italian company in the production of special vehicles for waste collection. The company has three production plants and employs over 550 people in Italy and several other European countries.

Zoeller is one of the leading suppliers of lift systems and waste collection vehicles in Europe. Based in Germany, the company employs 1,700 employees in six countries and generated annual turnover of €270 million in 2018. Zoeller is part of Kirchhoff Ecotec, the environmental division of the Kirchhoff Group, with approximately 13,000 employees and an annual turnover of €2.15 billion in 2018.

The team from IMAP Italy (Vitale&Co.), led by Riccardo Martinelli, advised FEG Brivio’s shareholders through the entire process.

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