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IMAP advises shareholders of HMP on sale to Felss Unternehmensgruppe

The Felss Group acquires the machine tool manufacturer and automotive supplier HMP (Heinrich Müller Pforzheim) and acquires all shares in the two HMP companies Heinrich Müller Maschinenfabrik GmbH and HMP Umformtechnik GmbH from the shareholders Dr. Bernhard and Dr. Frank Müller.

The Felss Group acquires the machine tool manufacturer and automotive supplier HMP (Heinrich Müller Pforzheim) and acquires all shares in the two HMP companies Heinrich Müller Maschinenfabrik GmbH and HMP Umformtechnik GmbH from the shareholders Dr. Bernhard and Dr. Frank Müller. The shareholders were advised by an IMAP team that had already advised the Felss Group shareholder on the sale to the Swiss private equity investor Capvis in January 2017.

HMP will now become part of the Felss Group, the existing jobs and the two locations will be maintained. The closing of the transaction is still subject to the approval by the relevant authorities.

As a technology leader in the rotary swaging, axial forming, rolling, drawing and straightening market segments, HMP designs and manufactures machines and components for the automotive industry and a wide range of other industries.

The Felss Group, based in Königsbach-Stein (Northern Black Forest), is a solution provider in the field of cold forming of tubes and solid materials for the automotive industry. The Group employs around 800 people at seven locations worldwide in Germany, Switzerland, the USA, China and Slovakia.

"Our most important market, the automotive industry, is changing fundamentally. With the merger of our two long-established companies, we can meet these enormous challenges more effectively,“ said the Management Board of the Felss Group around Andreas Egelseder, Dr. Ing. Reinhard Pfendtner and Ute Salzbrenner.

"We have put the company in good hands and are convinced that together we are well positioned for the future," emphasize the previous shareholders, Bernhard and Frank Müller.

An IMAP team led by Dr. Carsten Lehmann and Mathias Bosse initiated the transaction and advised the shareholders of HMP in the negotiations and structuring of the transaction until completion.

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